Wednesday, March 25, 2009

electronic outbursts

made-up midnights
uniform rebellion
healthy take outs
jeremy scott alterations
tattoo bearing mid-drifts
and wild eyed waifs

in your face flashes by mark the cobrasnake

floral arrangements
disco ball revelations
dance till your legs hurt
pretty panhandlers
intoxicated babbling

crushed velvet damsels
grimy film cameras
back lane bottles
6 person taxi rides
after hours grocery shopping

douchebag flasks,
flailing metalhorns,
autoerotique meltdowns,
cold stellas and bare shoulders

photos by brianne burnell
and the cobrasnake


chris petres said...

wow are you friends with the cobrasnkae?

THE CAT'S MIU said...

i still can't get over cobrasnake. can't can't can't will not.

rebelle zine said...

im giffin u guyz hitz

Rosé Magritte said...


FleurLux said...

all of you are pretty mamas

juliah said...

aaahh i met the cobra snake really drunk one night.
had no idea who he was until the day after someone pointed him out in my picture.. ahaha he's fucking awesome.

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